
Seated workout library

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Chest Day Workout – 21 Day Challenge – Week 2 Day 4.

We are doing a 21-Day Challenge series, this is week 2 day 4 of the series to help you gain weight training.

Back Strength Training – 21 Day Challenge – Week 2 Day 3.

We are doing a 21-Day Challenge series, this is week 2 day 3 of the series to help you gain weight training.

Arm Strength Workout – 21 Day Challenge – Week 2 Day 1.

We are doing a 21-Day Challenge series, this is week 2 day 1 of the series to help you gain weight training.

All About the Chest Workout – 21 Day Challenge – Week 1 Day 4.

We are doing a 21-Day Challenge series, this is week 1 day 4 of the series to help you gain weight training.

Weighted Bar Workout with Shawn!

Strength workout focused on the upper body, this is a great exercise for you. You can use a weighted bar, a PVC pipe, or even a broom. Great for Quads & Paras!

Racheal’s 21 day challenge

They say it takes 21 days to create a habit, so what better way to get into a solid workout routine than this 21 day challenge?! Guidelines and Recommendations:

Max Burnout Cardio Session with Racheal #2!

This 40-minute video is great for breaking through plateaus and starting you off with a max burnout cardio session.

Mini Band Circuit Training with Racheal #2

This 35-minute video focuses on circuit training for long and lean muscles.

Max Burnout Cardio Session with Racheal!

This 35-minute video is great for breaking through plateaus and starting you off with a max burnout cardio session with mini bands!

Mini Band Circuit Training with Racheal!

This 35-minute video focuses on circuit training for long and lean muscles.

Chest & Biceps Workout with Bentli!

Join Bentli in this 30-minute strength workout which is great for building chest and biceps muscles

This & That Weight Training with Racheal!

This 33-minute workout will be focusing on weight training with a five-minute warm-up in the beginning.

Goodbye Arm Fat Workout for Quads & Paras!

This 28-minute workout is for low-level quads and paras. You will need wrist weights and mini bands for this workout.

Old School “Only Biceps” workout for Quads & Paras!

This 45-minute workout is part of a 5-day series workout focused on upper body strength training.

Old School “Chest Day” Workout with Racheal!

This 32-minute workout is part of a 5-day series workout focused on upper body strength training.

Old School “Back Day” with Racheal!

This 25-minute workout is part of a 5-day series workout focused on upper body strength training.

Old School Shoulder Day workout with Racheal!

This 40-minute video is great for low-level quads and paras, this is a cycle training workout you will need wrist weights for this workout.

Old School “Bicep & Traps” workout with Racheal!

This 38-minute workout is part of a 5-day series workout focused on upper body strength training.

Cardio Burn Workout 4 with Racheal!

This 30-minute video focuses on strength training and breaking through plateaus!

Cardio Burn Workout 3 with Racheal!

This 30-minute video focuses on strength training and breaking through plateaus!

Stretch CordS Workouts with Racheal!

This 35-minute stretch cord workout is great for strength training and building lean muscle!

Mini Bands Odds & Ends!

This 35-minute video targets the end-of-the-week leftover workouts that target weight training and endurance!

Mini Band Circuit Workout with Racheal!

Are you looking for a fast and intense circuit training video? Here you go!

Circuit Training Mini-band Workout for Quadriplegics and Paraplegics!

Don't let this 20-minute video fool you because this mini band weight training and endurance video will leave you feeling sore!

Circuit strength training workout for low-level quadriplegics and paraplegics!

If are you looking for a 30-minute video that strengthens endurance and builds muscle, then this mini band workout is definitely for you! !

Elastic Band Back Day with Racheal!

If you're looking for a strength training video that specifically targets your back and enables you to push your chair harder and faster, this is the video for you!

Baby got Back! mini-band workout!

Grab your mini band that fits your fitness level and get ready for the back day!

Awesome Wheelchair Workout idea- Leo at the Beach!

Here is a great idea you can do if you have a slight incline somewhere safe to push a wheelchair.

Quick Go-to Seated Exercise to Warm Up your Shoulders!

Easy seated shoulder warm-up, for anyone, instructed by everyone's favorite T4 SCI paraplegic, Leo.

Awesome Seated Exercise Using TRX Bandits (Stretch Cords) and a Weighted Bar!

Great stretch cord exercises and weighted bar exercises in this 20-minute seated workout for wheelchair users, instructed by an SCI quad.

Cordless Jump Ropes for Quadriplegics – Different CARDIO Exercises to do while watching TV!

Grab a pair of these super inexpensive split jump ropes (cordless jump ropes) and you've got yourself a great way to do some seated cardio exercise while watching some Netflix! comment if we should make some with an adaptive strap.

Circuit for Paraplegics (Seated Workout)!

Grab your light and medium weight dumbbells, and a PVC pipe or broomstick, and get ready to work hard for this 20-minute circuit-style workout for paraplegics or anyone who needs a seated exercise.

Mini-band Circuit for Quads (Great for Shoulder-Injury Prevention!)

Awesome mini-band (flat loop bands) circuit for quadriplegics or anyone who needs a seated workout.

Breathing + Warm-up + Cardio with Leo (exercises for paraplegics)

Leo shows how he does some breathing relaxation and a couple of warm-up stretches and shows you a great cardio exercise using split jump ropes.

Body Weight Cardio!

Super burn is another great summertime body workout because of the zero rest periods and prolonged cardio workout!

Crushing Cardio with Racheal!

Crushing cardio is a 30-minute zero rest time cardio with body-weighted workouts to really push yourself!

Cardio and Balance with Racheal!

Cardio and balance is a 30-minute workout focused on strengthening your endurance because of the zero down time!

Summertime Cardio Burnout!

30 minutes of high-intensity cardio is perfect for weight loss!

Full Body Weight Training and Balance!

50 minutes of body-weighted workout. Excellent for cutting muscle and balance training!

Body Weight Training and Cardio!

30 minutes of body weighted workout focused on the chest. Balance training focused on engaging your core and diaphragm.

Abs, Chest, and Dips with Racheal!

35 minutes of body-weighted exercises focused on abs and body-weighted exercises focused on chest and dips.

Chest & Cardio Hell!

35 minutes of body-weighted chest strength training and focus on cardio for weight loss.

Breathing Exercises with Bentli!

Join Bentli with these breathing exercises to start your day.

Reset your Adrenal Glands!

Join Bentli in this meditation to help you how to learn to balance your emotions and your body.

Cardio and Body Weight Workout!

40 minutes of cardio focused on weight loss. Body-weighted strength training focused on strengthening the chest muscles.

Cardio Burnout for Quads & Paras!

30 minutes of cardio-focused workout is great for weight-loss and balance practice.

Summertime Cardio with Racheal!

30 min Of body-weighted exercises focused on the chest with a light ab workout.

Pushing Through Plateaus – Arms Workout Using Heavy Wrist Weights or Dumbbells!

45 minutes of max-out strength training for the entire body. Great for this who have plateaued in moving up in weight.

Check the Chest – Wheelchair Workout with No Equipment!

40 minutes of body workout focused solely on the chest. Great for balance training and engaging the chest simultaneously.

All About the Abs – Quadriplegic Wheelchair Workout!

35 minutes of core training for both functional and non-functional abdominal light weight strength training.

SCI Quadriplegic Stretching in bed Independently – Instructional Stretching Routine!

Join Racheal in bed (haha yeah you heard us), for this 25-minute instructional full-body stretching video for spinal cord injury quadriplegics.

Cardio Burnout for Quads and Paras!

45 minutes of high-intensity interval cardio training focused on weight loss, using light wrist weights or dumbbells.

Biceps Strength Training using Wrist Weights for Quads & Paras!

50 minutes of strength training with weights focused solely on the biceps. Great for paras, quads, and wheelchair users.

Odds and Ends – Mixing up with Different Adaptive Exercises for SCI and Wheelchair Users.

40 minutes of stretching & strength training mixing it up with several different adaptive exercises for wheelchair users, taught by a C6 spinal cord injury quadriplegic.

Bicep Day – Adaptive Movements to Strengthen your Biceps and Shoulders.

40 minutes of strength training adapted for wheelchair users, great for both paraplegics and quadriplegics and spinal cord injury rehab.

All About the Back- Includes Modified Hang-Cleans for SCI (Heavy + Light Wrist Weights or Dumbbells)

40 minutes of stretching& strength training mixing it up with several different adaptive exercises for wheelchair users, taught by a C6 spinal cord injury quadriplegic.

Weighted Bar Workout for Quads and Paras!

Awesome strength training workout with unique exercises for wheelchair users- simply using a PVC pipe & wrist weights (broomstick works fine).

Workout for the chest + Interval Cardio Training (Wrist Weights or Dumbbells)!

45-minute workout with Racheal using resistance bands, light dumbbells, or wrist weights. Working on the chest with no weight (optional weight) interval cardio, quad, and para friendly.

Shoulders, Abs, and Lightweight Cardio Training (Wrist Weights or Dumbbells)

40-minute workout with your girl Racheal, wrist weights or light dumbbells needed, weight training the shoulders, abs, with interval cardio, quad, and para friendly.

Bicep Set + Interval Cardio Training! (Wrist Weights / Dumbbells)

30-minute workout using wrist weight focused weight training doing a set focusing on bicep curls, interval cardio training, quad and para friendly, workout with Racheal!

All About the Chest and Abs! Strength Training using Wrist Weights & Resistance Band / Theraband.

30-minute workout with Racheal!! Weight training & resistance bands work to strengthen chest muscles, low weight training focuses on the abs, quad, and para friendly, wrist weights wrist weight can be replaced with dumbbells if you're able to use them.

Wrist Weight Workout Focusing on Shoulders and some H.I.I.T. / Cardio!

30-minute workout using wrist weights for anyone in a wheelchair, both paraplegics and quadriplegics, focusing on shoulder strength and getting your heart rate up with some great H.I.I.T. and cardio.

Quad Transfer Strength! Strengthen the Muscles Needed to Transfer.

Join Racheal for 30 minutes of strength training (using wrist weights) targeting muscles needed to transfer for quadriplegics and paraplegics, including rows, shrugs, and wheelchair Burpees!

“All About the Abs” Workout Focused on the Core and Losing that Quad Belly!

30-minute workout instructed by Racheal focusing on engaging your core and burning some calories to help lose that quad belly! Taught by a C6spinal cord injury quadriplegic.

Quadriplegic Chest Day – Exercises to Help Work on Chest, Core, and Anterior Deltoids!

30-minute workout from yours truly -Racheal- work on building up some chest muscles in this awesome workout video for quadriplegics.

Delts and Traps + Cardio Training for Quadriplegics

30 minutes of exercises for quadriplegics working on Delts, traps, and a good little cardio session at the end. As alwaysthere is some stretching with Racheal at the beginning.

Mixing it Up: This and That Seated Workout -Dumbbells or Heavy Wrist Weights!

30 minutes of strength training with either dumbbells or heavy wrist weights, your choice of weight, great for anyone in a wheelchair or who needs a seated workout.

Back and Shoulders – Seated Strength Training Workout – Great for Any Wheelchair User!

45 minute back and shoulder strength workout for anyone in a wheelchair, quads use heavy wrist weights and paras can use dumbbells of your choice.

Abs and No Equipment Cardio – Workouts for Wheelchair Users (Taught by SCI Quad)

A solid 30 minutes of no equipment cardio focusing a little bit on abs/core/balance, specifically for anyone in a wheelchair taught by a C6 SCI Complete quad.

Upper Body Seated Cardio for Anyone! (Optional Wrist Weights / Light Dumbbells)

40 minutes of all-around upper body cardio with some aspects of strength training, designed for ALL wheelchair users, or anyone like seniors who need a seated workout.

Functional Strength Workout (no equipment!) Taught by a Quad, Great for Anyone in a Wheelchair!

40 minutes of functional strength and cardio with no equipment. Exercises designed to help you be more independent and make ADLs easier.

Interval Cardio (H.I.I.T.) for Wheelchair Users! (Wrist Weights / Light Dumbbells)

Get your heart rate up and belly fat burning with this wheelchair workout designed to build a little strength and burn a lot of calories, whether you are an SCI or a Senior and just want to sit down.

Mostly Cardio – Wrist Weights / Light Dumbbells (Chest Exercise Warm-up)!

A few minutes of chest exercises for quads and high-level SCI paras followed by mostly cardio, great for anyone in a wheelchair!

Back Strength and Interval Training (H.I.I.T.) for Wheelchair Users!

Almost 30 minutes of H.I.I.T. (high intensity interval training) designed for anyone in a wheelchair, taught by a quadriplegic.

Functional Strength Training (to help w/ ADLs!) + Cardio (Paras and Quads!)

30 minutes of "functional" strength training plus a little cardio, great for quadriplegics and paraplegics (paras, just use dumbbells instead of wrist weights) to improve your independence and make ADLs easier.

Shoulder Strength Workout for Anyone in a Wheelchair!

Almost 40 minutes of shoulder burning action from "ya girl Racheal" great for anyone in a wheelchair or looking for seated workout who wants to build up shoulder strength.

Light Weight Seated Cardio / HIIT with Racheal!

15 minutes of cardio using some light weights or nothing at all for anyone in a wheelchair, whether you're quadriplegic, paraplegic, or just want a workout sitting down.

Dumbbell Shoulder Workout – Super Short!

Join Bryan in this 15 minutes shoulder workout using dumbbells for paraplegics or for anyone in a wheelchair or looking for a seated workout to do at home.

Mini-bands Circuit Workout (or Therabands) for Quads and Paras!

Killer circuit for paraplegics and quadriplegics (and still great for Zuk seniors!) you can do with just a single mini band!

Back and Rear Deltoid (shoulder) Workout for Paraplegics – Cable Machine / Stretch Cord!

Ggrab your stretch cords/resistance band or get on the cable machine and join Leo (T6 complete spinal cord injury) as he goes through a great back and shoulder workout for anyone in a wheelchair.

Isometric Shoulder Workout for Quads and Paras

Join Shawn for an awesome shoulder strength and rear deltoid workout coached by a C5/ C6 complete spinal cord injury quad rugby player.

Resistance Band / Cable Machine Workout in a Wheelchair.

Get ready for this awesome workout using resistance band / cable machine. Join Leo (T6 complete spinal cord injury) as he goes through a great workout for anyone in a wheelchair.

Seated Cardio Boxing for Quads and Paras!

Awesome sweat- inducing, seated cardio boxing workout for ANYONE! Grab your West weights, dumbbells, water bottles, or nothing at all and join us to get your heart pumping and shoulders burning.

How to get Definition in your Arms as a Paraplegic!

Get super cut arms as a paraplegic with this circuit training workout video, designed to get you definition showing in your arms! Exercise demonstrations from our instructors Leo and Albert.

H.I.I.T. workout for quads and paras! (seated CARDIO for wheelchair users)

20 minute H.I.I.T. workout for quadriplegics (or paraplegics) or anyone looking for a seated workout (wheelchair exercise). H.I.I.T. = High Intensity Interval Training.

30-Minute Circuit Training for Quadriplegics and Paraplegics! (Equipment: Wrist Weights)

30 minute circuit training taught by a C5/C6 SCI quadriplegic (complete) is great for anyone in a wheelchair, especially quadriplegic and paraplegic spinal cord injuries!

15-min TRX Resistance-Bands Workout for Quadriplegics (taught by a C5/C6 SCI)

Follow Shawn in this stretchcords/ resistance-band workout designed just for SCI quadriplegics to build strength.

Paraplegic strength building workout using TRX resistance band/ stretch-cord.

Follow Bryan in this TRX strength bands (stretchcord / resistance band) and dumbbells workout for paraplegics or anyone looking for some wheelchair exercise they can do at home.

Bar-dio 15 min Cardio w/ a Bar- Wheelchair fitness.

Follow Shawn In this workout for paraplegics and quadriplegics and break a sweat with nothing but a broomstick! Add wrist weights For added difficulty.

Balanced shoulder routine for paraplegics using resistance Bands

Follow Bryan in this well-rounded 20 minute deltoid (shoulder) workout for anyone in a wheelchair. All you need is your stretch cord and a door anchor.

Easy Wrist Weight Exercises for Anyone in a Wheelchair (Especially SCI Quadriplegics)

Follow Shawn as he walks you through some great exercises for quadriplegics (and paraplegics) or anyone in a wheelchair that you can do at home.

Deltoid Burnout for Paraplegics (or Anyone in a Wheelchair)

Strengthening your shoulders is super important for preventing injury when you have to push her wheelchair and transfer yourself.

Dumbell Workout for Anyone in a Wheelchair!

15 minute workout for anyone with a spinal cord injury or in a wheelchair, led by a C5/C6 complete SCI quadriplegic. Equipment: use wrist weights or water bottles or nothing at all.

Morning Stretches to do Everyday- for Paraplegics /Wheelchair Users

Prevent injury and gain flexibility by following this video as Leo walks you through his upper body stretching routine in a wheelchair.

Floor Strength Workout for Paraplegics & Wheelchair Users (+floor transfer)

Learn how he likes to transfer to the floor and exercise out of his wheelchair as a T4 level spinal cord injury.

How to do a Chair to Floor Transfer (& back)

How to transfer from your wheelchair to the floor and from the floor to your wheelchair as a T level spinal cord injury paraplegic. Our instructor Bryan is a T4 complete SCI and demonstrates what he has found the work best for him. As always be careful to try this at home and do at your own risk.

Wheelchair core workout using your chair! (+everyday stretch routine)

The perfect every day stretch and warm up (core exercise). Don't miss this one.

Maximize your Tenodesis strength- adaptive exercises with a bar!

Awesome 25 minute weighted bar workout to get your heart rate pumping and practice your Tenodesis strength. (PVC pipe or broomstick work great as well)

Wheelchair Workouts: Strength Building w/ Racheal

Introducing our new remote instructor Racheal! You would get your heart rate up while moving through this nonstop 15 minutes of strength building.

10 Minute Chest routine on the floor (plus stretching warm-up)

10 minute just routine you can do on the floor. Just need dumbbells. Include stretching and a chair to floor transfer.

30 Minute Shoulder Workout for Everyone! (Isometric Training)

Good luck trying to keep up with Shawn during this rather grueling strength training session. Grab your wrist weights or 5 pound dumbbells and let’s go! This one is great for quads or paras or absolutely anyone for that matter! Improvise as needed. You can grab on any weights that you would like instead of … 30 Minute Shoulder Workout for Everyone! (Isometric Training) Read More »

Take your Push-Up Game to the Next Level! (Push-ups 101 taught by a Paraplegic)

Learn how to target different muscle groups while push-ups, along with all other basics, in this quick tutorial. Taught by a SCI paraplegic fitness instructor (and Pro wheelchair bodybuilder).

Racheal FB Live Free Workout

Follow Racheal (tough as nails) in her first FB live workout

20 minute circuit training for wheelchair users

Join Ryan and Josh with a quick stretch cord warm-up, followed by a circuit. All you need is stretch cord & dumbbells (any weight can be substituted)
Thumbnail for wheelchair workout video

Arm Strength and Cardio for Wheelchair Users

15 minute arm strength and cardio workout led by a quadriplegic, wrist weights only (optional). Let's go!
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Quick Shoulder Blaster for Paras w/ Leo

Super quick shoulder workout for paras with Leo, personally named by Lee of the "shoulder blaster"
equipment: dumbbells and a pipe/broomstick
Wheelchair workout cardio in solar strength

Ultimate Shoulder Strength & Cardio Workout for Wheelchair Users!

Ultimate 20-Min wheelchair workout for quads (and paras), optional equipment: wrist weights & PVC pipe
Thumbnail for stretching video

Stretching Warm-Up for Paras

Great warm-up routine to get out of your chair and get loosened up with this stretching routine. Quick and easy with important details explained. No equipment needed.
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Functional Strength w/ Shawn

Equipment: dumbbells (or water bottles/ wrist weights), duffel bag or backpack with weight in it This is a great work out to build strength as useful for daily activities like grabbing stuff off the floor or using your tinodesis to grab things. Please leave comments or feedback and feel free to message us about how … Functional Strength w/ Shawn Read More »
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Paraplegic HIIT w/Ray

Nonstop circuits introducing our old friend & new trainer Ray! HIIT for paras at home. He's able-bodied, but "stepped up" by sitting down when our paraplegic fitness model couldn't make it.

Abs & Shoulders Workout!

20 min workout using a chair (or even a backpack/ duffel bag with some stuff in it), resistance band, and dumbbells. Join Leo (T6 complete spinal cord injury) as he goes through a core, shoulder, posterior delts/back workout for wheelchair users /paraplegics. Includes wheelchair Burpee's, cross body resistance band pull, and a fun functional workout to strengthen your daily living.

Sound Bath Meditation!

Awesome introduction to sound bath meditation if you have never done one, it's amazing!

Arm Strength Workout!

Join Leo in this 20-minute arm strength workout using dumbbells/gallon water jugs great for paras!

Shoulder Strength Workout!

Join Shawn in this intense shoulder workout using wrist weights/light dumbbells great for quads!

Tenodesis Training!

Join Shawn in this 25-minute tenodesis workout using a weighted bar/broomstick!

Tenodesis Strength Training!

Join Shawn in this 25-min tenodesis strength training! Using wrist weights great for quads!

Upper Body Workout With Shawn!

20-min triceps, shoulders & chest strength workout using resistance bands great for quads!

Shoulder Strength Training!

Join Shawn in this 30-min shoulder workout using wrist weights or light dumbbells great for quads!

Arms & Shoulders Workout with Shawn!

Join Shawn in this 20 min training for your arms & shoulders using resistance bands & a weighted bar great for quads!

Mixed Shoulder Workout for Quads & Paras!

20 minutes of mixing it up with various adaptive exercises focused on shoulders, using wrist weights or dumbbells and a weighted bar / PVC pipe for wheelchair users.

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