Awesome Wheelchair Workout idea- Leo at the Beach!
Here is a great idea you can do if you have a slight incline somewhere safe to push a wheelchair.
Quick Go-to Seated Exercise to Warm Up your Shoulders!
Strong Arms for Paras! (Seated Strength Training for Anyone)
Core-strength & Abs Workout for Paraplegics (Improve your balance!)
Up your mobility game by following Leo in this awesome workout that will help improve whatever core you do have.
Breathing + Warm-up + Cardio with Leo (exercises for paraplegics)
Back and Rear Deltoid (shoulder) Workout for Paraplegics – Cable Machine / Stretch Cord!
Resistance Band / Cable Machine Workout in a Wheelchair.
Shoulder Burner + back, chest & lats for Paras – Gym Edition (for Paraplegics & Wheelchair users).
Deltoid Burnout for Paraplegics (or Anyone in a Wheelchair)
Morning Stretches to do Everyday- for Paraplegics /Wheelchair Users
10 Minute Chest routine on the floor (plus stretching warm-up)
10 minute just routine you can do on the floor. Just need dumbbells. Include stretching and a chair to floor transfer.
Take your Push-Up Game to the Next Level! (Push-ups 101 taught by a Paraplegic)
Learn how to target different muscle groups while push-ups, along with all other basics, in this quick tutorial. Taught by a SCI paraplegic fitness instructor (and Pro wheelchair bodybuilder).
Quick 10-Minute Bicep/Tricep Workout that will give you a PUMP!
Awesome bicep and tricep exercises that Leo loves. Includes Warm-up and cooldown.
Abs & Shoulders Workout!
20 min workout using a chair (or even a backpack/ duffel bag with some stuff in it), resistance band, and dumbbells. Join Leo (T6 complete spinal cord injury) as he goes through a core, shoulder, posterior delts/back workout for wheelchair users /paraplegics. Includes wheelchair Burpee’s, cross body resistance band pull, and a fun functional workout to strengthen your daily living.
DIY Weighted PVC Pipe
Equipment: PVC pipe, funnel, sand/rocks